Chandra Grahan 2024: Upcoming Chandra Grahan Timing and Date Revealed

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Chandra Grahan 2024

As we approach 2024, many are eagerly awaiting the celestial event that will take place in the sky – the grahan. Both Chandra Grahan and Surya Grahan are expected to occur, offering a mesmerizing view for sky-watchers and astrologers alike. If you’re wondering about “Grahan kab hai?” or “Grahan kab lagega?”, here are the important details you need to know.

What is a Grahan?

Grahan, also known as an eclipse, occurs when one celestial body moves into the shadow of another. There are two types of grahans in the year – the Surya Grahan (solar eclipse) and the Chandra Grahan (lunar eclipse). These events hold significant importance not just scientifically but also culturally and religiously across many parts of the world, especially in India.

Chandra Grahan 2024: Date and Timing

One of the most anticipated events of 2024 will be the Chandra Grahan or lunar eclipse. For those asking “Chandra Grahan kab lagega?”, the Chandra Grahan in 2024 will occur on March 25, 2024. The timing is expected to start in the evening and will last for several hours, depending on your geographic location.

Chandra Grahan Timing (IST)

  • Start Time: 7:15 PM IST
  • Maximum Eclipse: 8:55 PM IST
  • End Time: 10:30 PM IST

The visibility of this grahan will be widespread across many countries, including India. It is essential to note that a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow over the moon.

Surya Grahan 2024: When and Where?

For those more interested in the solar eclipse, or Surya Grahan, there is another significant event scheduled for April 8, 2024. This grahan will be visible from several countries, including parts of India, and will provide an awe-inspiring sight for those lucky enough to witness it.

Surya Grahan Timing (IST)

  • Start Time: 11:45 AM IST
  • Maximum Eclipse: 12:55 PM IST
  • End Time: 2:10 PM IST

Importance of Grahan in Culture

Eclipses have always held a special place in various cultures and religious beliefs. In India, the Chandra Grahan and Surya Grahan are considered times for spiritual reflection and offering prayers. Many people observe fasts, and it is customary to avoid cooking or eating food during the duration of the eclipse. Temples often close their doors, only reopening after the eclipse has passed.

How to View the Grahan Safely

While the Chandra Grahan is safe to view with the naked eye, it’s always advised to exercise caution during the Surya Grahan. Looking directly at a solar eclipse without proper protection can severely damage your eyes. Experts recommend using specially designed solar viewing glasses or indirect viewing methods to safely observe the Surya Grahan.

Grahan Kab Hai in 2024: Key Dates

  • Chandra Grahan (Lunar Eclipse): March 25, 2024
  • Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse): April 8, 2024

Both of these dates are highly anticipated by eclipse enthusiasts, astrologers, and those who hold religious beliefs around grahans.

Astrological Impact of the 2024 Grahans

In Vedic astrology, both Chandra Grahan and Surya Grahan are considered significant events that can influence the lives of individuals. The eclipses are believed to bring shifts in energy, with each zodiac sign being affected differently. Many astrologers suggest meditating and avoiding major decisions during an eclipse to reduce its impact on one’s life.

Grahan Myths and Beliefs

Across centuries, various myths and beliefs have surrounded grahans. Some believe that eclipses are a time when negative energies are amplified, while others view the grahan as a period of cleansing and renewal. In some traditions, pregnant women are advised to stay indoors during the grahan to protect themselves and their unborn child from harmful rays.

[Chandra Grahan 2024][Chandra Grahan 2024][Chandra Grahan 2024]

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